Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Scoop From the Coop

Hey!!! How ya'll doing?! 

Things have really been happening here at the coop.
Let me fill ya'll in...

  First, it wasn't just a rumor!  Four of us were sent to live in  Homer.  But it was the nicest family and they have the cutest little girls to play with, so we weren't too sad to see our sisters go to such a good home.

Then as soon as our sisters were gone we moved into the coop.  It is so big and beautiful!!  Our bedroom is upstairs.  There are two nice roosting poles positioned right in front of a big picture window.  We can sit there and watch the sun rise and set.  We love it!   On one side of the room are the most beautiful draperies.  Mama says something special is hidden behind them, but we won't find out until we are older.

And the food they serve here is amazing!!!  Every afternoon we get a treat!  We have had watermelon, meal worms, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, even yogurt.  We are living high off the hog!!

But the best news is that we got names!!  Mama decided to name us after famous female country and western singers.

I'm Dolly; named after Dolly Parton.  Mama said it was because I'm the biggest and Ms. Parton has big somethings (I didn't really understand).  I have fancy feathers on my feet and Mama says Ms. Parton is all about being fancy.  I love my new name.

This is Reba; after Ms. Reba McEntire.  Mama says Reba has red hair and my sister is definitely a strawberry blond.  I think her name suits her.

This is Patsy; after Ms. Patsy Cline.  Ms. Cline had black hair and was a classy lady.  Since this sister is feathered out in classic black and white, her name fits her to a T.

Now my last sister is the Golden Laced Wyandotte.  She has gold tips on the end of her feathers and it makes her look fierce and sassy.  Mama's neighbor said she needed to be named Tanya; after Tanya Tucker.  He said that Tanya Tucker and Glen Campbell raised a ruckus over in Bossier City one weekend and the police were called. Mama looked it up and sure enough!!  See for yourself.....


You may have seen from the pictures that our Mama likes to get in the coop with us, but she isn't the only one.  We have had other visitors, too.  But let's just be honest, who wouldn't want to hang out with us!!

Talk to ya'll again soon!


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