Thursday, June 23, 2016

One Gardener Makes A Difference

Those of you who visited the North Central Louisiana Master Gardener Spring Plant Sale noticed a new addition to this annual event- the Monarch butterfly conservation booth.  Well, there’s a story behind that booth that you’ll really enjoy!

In 2014, Master Gardener Dee Hutson was wandering through her garden checking on the status of her plants when she noticed orange caterpillars on her passion vine. Many of us would have been horrified by a pest daring to munch holes in our leaves, but Dee wisely recognized the role her garden was playing in the Circle of Life. Leaving the caterpillars to grow, she was able to experience their transformation into approximately 30 beautiful gulf fritillary butterflies that spent the summer flitting around her lantana, one of their nectar plants. “At that moment I was hooked,” relates Dee, “I read everything I could about host plants for different types of butterflies.”

During her research, Dee became especially interested in the plight of the monarch butterfly. Two environmental groups have petitioned for the monarchs’ protection under the Endangered Species Act. The Center for Biological Diversity states that “In addition to herbicide use with genetically engineered crops, monarchs are also threatened by global climate change, drought and heat waves, other pesticides, urban sprawl, and logging on their Mexican wintering grounds.” 
Dee notes, “I wanted to do my part. Donna White and I were chairing the Master Gardener Spring Plant Sale at the time so I spoke to her about growing milkweed, the monarch’s host plant, for the sale. She was in agreement.” The ladies didn’t know if the milkweed would sell, but took a chance. Much to their surprise, they sold out in only a few minutes!

Dee started growing milkweed in her garden that year. She was excited to soon find eggs on the leaves. She brought 20 eggs indoors to foster. “I had no idea what to do, but went to and it guided me step by step.” In about four days, Dee’s eggs had hatched into caterpillars that were happily munching on milkweed. Each time she went outside to cut more milkweed, she found more eggs and caterpillars. “I couldn’t leave them out there, knowing that only 10% of monarchs reach adulthood due to their countless predators. During this time my family had a trip planned to our camp in Mississippi. Well, the caterpillars had to come along!”
Packing what she thought would be enough milkweed for two weeks, off they went on their trip. But Dee underestimated the voracious appetite of her new “babies” and found herself running out of food. Thankfully the Hammond Research Station of the LSU AgCenter was just an hour from her camp. “I contacted Allen Owings, one of the AgCenter’s horticulturists, and he told me to come over and get all the milkweed I wanted!”

Soon the caterpillars began to climb to the top of their habitat to form their “J” position in preparation for forming the chrysalis. Then for 10 days, Dee waited for the chrysalis to become transparent, signaling that the new monarchs were about to emerge. “It’s so exciting!” exclaims Dee. “Their wings come out very small. The first time I saw them I thought I had raised deformed butterflies, but as you watch, the wings grow to full size within minutes. It’s an amazing sight to see!”

The new monarchs hang upside down for a couple of hours allowing their wings to dry. Then they are ready to fly. Dee released 50 butterflies that year. It is important to have nectar plants in your yard for the butterflies’ release. Nectar plants include coneflower, zinnia, lantana, penta, and butterfly bush.
Now you know the story behind the Monarch Conservation booth at the Master Gardener Plant Sale. “This experience was nature at its best,” confirms Dee, “I was like a kid! It was awesome to watch the transformation!” 

Thank you, Dee Hutson, for reminding us that gardening is about more than just growing pretty flowers!

Friday, June 17, 2016

Another Dog Hair and Potato Peelings Project

I recently decided to spruce up the chicken coop, it was looking a little bland. I thought some potted plants would do the trick, but did not want to go out and spend money on expensive pots. I get tired of wanting and buying things, so I decided to go the dog hair and potato peelings route.

What does that mean? It means looking around at what you've got and making something out of nothing. I had lots of black plastic containers from the nursery. I also had blue painter's tape and duct tape. Here's the process...

Wash the outside of the pots. I didn't even clean out the insides; after all, dirt was going right back inside.

Tape off designs keeping in mind that whatever you tape will be black.

Spray! I bought plain old cheap paint, but they do have some that is made for plastic.

Peel off the tape and plant.

Love ya'll,

Reduce the complexity of life by eliminating the needless wants of life, 
and the labors of life reduce themselves.
 ~Edwin Way Teale

The simple joy of having just enough. 
~Dr. SunWolf

Frugality is one of the most beautiful and joyful words in the English language, and yet one that we are culturally cut off from understanding and enjoying. The consumption society has made us feel that happiness lies in having things, and has failed to teach us the happiness of not having things. 
~Elise Boulding

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Turkey Creek Daylilies

Each spring, James and I anxiously await the Daylily Show. It begins in May and lasts until the Fourth of July. Each morning we ooh and aah over the newest bloom. 

Although I posted pictures last year, I can't stop myself from sharing again!

We have gotten many of our daylilies from Joywalk Daylily Farm here in Ruston. They bring lilies to the Ruston Farmers Market most Saturdays. I also select new lilies at the Mobile Flower Show each year at the Abundant Daylilies booth. But some of my favorite lilies are the ones James brings home. He keeps an eye out for the sales at Fred's and Walmart. When the daylilies-in-a-bag hit the $1 sale mark, he starts hauling them home. 

When I first opened one of these sale bags, I was astonished at how pitiful these rhizomes looked- brown, scraggly, freakish creatures!!  Without a scrap of hope that they would amount to anything, I planted them just for Jim. Today they are some of my favorites! They are starting out as almost nothing, so it takes them longer to become the big, healthy clump of your other lilies, but have patience! They're worth it! 

Love ya'll,

          Consider the lilies of the field how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
Matthew 6: 28-29

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Sunday Schoolisms Plus #18: Do Not Conform

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing, and perfect will.

                                                                                                           Romans 12:2

Saturday, June 11, 2016

The Garden Tour: Part 4

The day of the tour...

Somewhere in Hell...

"Quiet! We need to get this emergency meeting underway; time is of the essence!! As you all know, our patient's garden show is today, and what promised to be an easy opportunity to influence SQ in a negative way is slipping through our fingers. To say it plainly, our goody two-shoes opponents are whipping our butts.  However, we still have an ace up our sleeve. Everybody welcome, Discontent."

"Good morning. My name is Discontent and I am accustomed to being used as the last ditch effort to sink a human. This week as our client, SQ, walked through her garden surveying it prior to the tour, I planted a deep seed of myself. I flooded her with a desire to run straight to O'Neal's garden center and buy hanging baskets she couldn't afford, perennials she didn't have room for, and annuals she couldn't take care of. I caused her to dream of whimsical topiaries and exotic tropicals. I made gardening magazines arrive in her mailbox that were filled with such gorgeous pictures, that she wanted to burn her efforts to the ground and start over. I filled her with pure covetousness! I gave it my best effort, but the enemy was lying in wait and routed me out before I knew what hit me. I am afraid we have lost the battle."

"No!! How did they do it? What technique did they use?"

"I have no idea...."

Somewhere in Heaven...

"Settle down!! Congratulations are in order, but first we need to hear from Contentment as he explains how he saved the day and our patient. But first, let's open with prayer...

     Dearest Lord, we praise your name today! We were losing a battle for one of your beloved children. She was falling victim to the enemies' efforts, but You swooped in with your power and mercy and saved the day! Thank you for always believing in us, and help us do a better job of believing in you. Amen.

OK, Contentment, you have the floor."

"Good morning! It was touch and go during this last week. Our patient was hit with a terrible case of discontent right at the end. She was almost consumed by a need to do more, have more, be more!!!! But I was able to chase away discontent's deceit with my friend, Truth. We reminded SQ of what she had learned about the strapping on the Belt of Truth.  Pricilla Shirer teaches that "The over-arching principle present in all of Satan's attacks toward us is deception. He propagates fantasies, causing temporal and insignificant things to somehow appear immensely valuable and favorable." We showed SQ that the truth about her garden could be found in memories- memories of her and her husband, James, building the fence, of her parents and sister laying the little patio, of her niece's fairy garden, and her nephew sitting in the chicken coop that her dad built. Those memories were the truth that made her garden all that it needed to be. 

I admonished her with Galatians 1:10...

      Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.

And I encouraged her with Hebrews 13:5…

     Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things that you have: for He hath said, I will never leave thee or forsake thee.

Then I gave her a good night's sleep and she woke up this morning full of joy for the privilege of sharing with her friends the garden God has blessed her with; her thin place where He is near.”

“Great job, Contentment!  Once again Heaven gathers the troops- Peace, Submission, Humility, Contentment, and Truth – to support their beloved children. And even with those traits, it is only with God’s grace and faithfulness that we prevail.

 Well, you all deserve some time off, but unfortunately we know that our patient will be needing help again. Maybe next time it will be Honesty, Kindness, Love, or Patience that will be called upon to save her. In the mean time someone be sure there are NO MORE garden tours!!”


Friday, June 10, 2016

The Garden Tour: Part 3


Somewhere in Hell….

“I’m calling this meeting to order. Today we want an update on the SQ garden tour project. My Intel informs me that Insecurity and Anxiety have been working well together and that our patient is feeling fairly stressed out. Now it’s time to add Control and Perfectionism to the mix. Would you two please present your plan of attack to the group?”

“Good morning! As you may know, many humans who fall prey to insecurity often over compensate by trying to be perfect. SQ is no different, and like many perfectionist, she is a meticulous list maker. For several months she has been starting each day with massive To Do lists and so far her plans have been working nicely thus causing her to fall into one of our favorite traps  – believing that she in control. We have several small disasters in store for her starting with catching her yard on fire. Then we are planning heavy rainfall in the days prior to the tour; rain that will flatten her corn and flop over her poppies and zinnias. Control, who has had quite a bit of success with other gardeners, will also use these rains to promote fungus and mold in SQ’s new circle garden. As she runs around in a blind panic each day repairing the damage we have done, Insecurity and Anxiety will be able to double down on their efforts and in the end we should have one frazzled, panic-stricken gardener on our hands. Of course our ultimate goal is for the patient to get peeved with God by focusing their attention on all the things that are going wrong and being oblivious to all the things that He blesses them with. We believe we have a 98% chance of achieving that goal in this situation”

“OK, I think Control and Perfectionism have everything under control. Ha! Pun intended! Next month I want an update from one of our best weapons, Discontent.”

Somewhere in Heaven…

“Let’s open our meeting this morning with prayer….

          Oh Lord, we are trying mightily to hold on to SQ in preparation for this garden tour. Please help us suppress her sinful nature and help her mature (which you would think she would have a handle on at age 56) and grow in Your wisdom. Thank you for loving her in spite of herself. Amen

Now from what I have heard, the enemy has brought control and perfectionism on board. They are mighty adversaries, especially control. Nothing is harder to reach than a human who thinks they are in control of their own lives and have no need to humbly seek God’s grace.  However, we have Submission and Humility speaking to us today about their counterterrorism plans.”

“Good Morning! We are very excited to get to work on our patient! We have gotten hold of the plans of the enemy and as always, they are unwittingly playing right into our hands. They have a series of garden disasters planned for SQ., but it will be our job to use those same disasters to remind her that she is not and never has been in control of her garden, much less her life. Everything she has is a gift of God. We will remind her of Romans 11:36…

          ‘For from Him and through Him and for Him are all things.’

With this realization refreshed in her mind, we will then help her recall the first beatitude…

          ‘Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven’

SQ needs to understand that perfectionism and poorness of spirit are total opposites. As Kay Arthur says, ‘poverty of spirit…is an absence of self-assurance, self-reliance, and pride.’  We will use a bible verse that is a favorite of many gardeners, Matthew 6:28-29, to drive home that fact that God has always had everything under control.

          ‘Consider the lilies of the field how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.’

Once she relinquishes control, submits to God’s will, and adopts a humble spirit, Peace will be able to finish his work flushing out insecurity and anxiety. Soon SQ will appreciate God’s sovereignty in her garden again, and finding joy in her garden will make her happy to share it with others.”

“Well, it sounds like a great plan! We look forward to hearing about its success next month.”



Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Garden Tour: Part 2

The following day….

Somewhere in Hell….

“OK, let’s get started with today’s meeting. Yesterday it was announced that our patient, Shelli Quayhagen (SQ), has agreed to put her garden on the Master Gardener Tour later this spring. We are all very excited by this opportunity to wreak havoc in her life. Yesterday each of you was told to take responsibility for one of her vices and devise a plan of attack. Let’s start with Anxiety....”

“Good morning! Well, first off, Insecurity and I have decided to work together. We can deliver a potent one-two punch. For instance, Insecurity will plant the idea that SQ’s garden isn’t going to measure up to Master Gardener standards, then for weeks I will wake her up in the wee hours of the morning filled with abject fear over the upcoming tour. After insomnia takes its toll, we will make sure she looks at multitudes of beautiful gardens on Pinterest exacerbating the idea that her garden isn’t good enough and she is a total idiot for agreeing to be on the tour. Next, we’ll make sure she sees commercials for the new Royal Blizzards at Dairy Queen causing her to try to eat away her anxiety. If we play our cards right she could gain approximately 50 lbs. before the tour. In the end we will render her an overweight, inept gardener paralyzed by fear in an oasis of shriveled, insect-ridden kale and tomatoes with blossom end rot.”

“Well done, Insecurity and Anxiety!”

Somewhere in Heaven…

“Let’s open with prayer.

    ‘Lord, we come to you with heavy hearts. One of our lambs has put herself into a situation where she is going to easily fall prey to her human vices. Help us protect her from herself as well as from our ever-present enemy who takes advantage of every opportunity to bring us down.  We thank you for your determined love for this poor soul. Amen.’

OK, so yesterday each of you chose one of SQ’s vices to counteract during this garden tour crisis. Let’s hear from Peace first.”

“Good Morning, I’m Peace.  I was a yoga instructor when I was living on Earth, so I am very excited to have this opportunity to calm and refocus SQ in her fight against insecurity and anxiety. I did some research on her last night and was happy to see that she participated in the Armor of God Bible study this fall. I will begin by creating a need in her to reread the chapter entitled The Shoes of Peace, especially the following passage:

          ‘Of all the things the enemy seeks to steal, kill, and destroy in your life, peace is almost always at or near the top of his list. He intentionally stirs up discord, division, disruption, and disturbance, both within you and around you….He wants you uneasy, unbalanced, filled with anxiety, worry, and turmoil. Lacking peace.’

This should give her insight. Then I will remind her that the same Bible study taught her that ‘thankfulness activates peace’. As she remembers to be thankful for her garden (no matter what condition it's in) she will become peaceful about sharing it on the tour. Also thankfulness and peace will establish a barrier to the enemy.

Then, since it’s always good to have scripture to wield in the war against the enemy, I’ll have her stumble across Philippians 4: 6-7 again…

          Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

Finally, I am going to throw a few important events into SQ’s life this spring that will keep this little garden tour in perspective – the birth of their first grandchild, a niece’s play production, and a college graduation. Being out of town for these events will help her realize that obsessing over her garden is futile, and force her into a more relaxed, peaceful attitude.”

“Well done, Peace!  OK, that’s enough for today. Peace be with you…”

“and also with you!”


Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The Garden Tour: Part 1

Back in January.....

Somewhere in Hell....

"Settle down everyone. I've called your group together to give you some very exciting news about your patient, Shelli Quayhagen. She has agreed to put her garden on the Master Gardener tour in the spring. This is a great opportunity for us! Through the months of preparation for this event, you should be able to prey on all of her weaknesses - pride, control, greed, perfectionism, obsession, and anxiety." 

"Settle down! Settle down! I know you are excited and I agree that this is going to be as easy as shooting ducks in a barrel, but there is a lot of work to be done and it must be done very slyly to produce lasting results. Now I want each of you to take one of her vices and brainstorm ideas that can be implemented as soon as possible. Remember, the devil is in the details! We will meet again tomorrow at this same time."  

Somewhere in Heaven....

"Settle down everyone. I've called your group together to give you some bad news about your patient, Shelli Quayhagen. She has agreed to put her garden on the Master Gardener tour in the spring."

"Calm down! Don't panic!! We all know that our opponents on the other side are going to take full advantage of this situation. They will prey on each one of her weaknesses, and God knows she has many, but with preparation, wisdom, and God's grace, we can handle this. And let's not forget that every disaster also contains the opportunity to help our patients mature. Now I want each of you to take one of her vices and brainstorm ideas that can counteract or preempt our opponents' attacks.  We will meet again tomorrow at this same time, and may God be with you."

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Sunday Schoolisms Plus #17: Poor in Spirit

Matthew 5: 1-3

And when He saw the multitudes, he went up on the mountain and after He sat down, His disciples came to Him. And opening His mouth He began to teach them, saying, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

Kay Arthur in Lord, Only You Can Change Me

"What is poverty of spirit? It is an absence of self-assurance, self-reliance, and pride. It is the deepest form of repentance. It is turning from your independence to total dependence upon God."

Friday, June 3, 2016

Ruston Farmer's Market

Well, shoot! I wanted to go to the farmers' market tomorrow, but it's going to rain :-(

 I had my heart set on fresh veggies, chicken salad, a bouquet of pretty flowers, and a breakfast burrito.  Darn rain!

But wait........ I forgot that the farmers' market has relocated to their spiffy, new covered building! Unlike the days when they were holding the market in a parking lot, weather is no longer a factor!! Whoo hoo!!

New location at 220 East Mississippi Ave.
The market is open from 8:00 - 12:00.

When Mayor Ronnie Walker was running for the office he would eventually hold, he had a vision for Ruston. Part of that vision was to revitalize an area east of Bonner Street. After his election, the city entered into a cooperative endeavor agreement with the Farmers' Market concerning the use of an empty warehouse on Mississippi Avenue.

The Farmers' Market held several fundraisers and secured a grant in order to make improvements to the facility such as adding bathrooms and an additional loading door. Talented students from Louisiana Tech gussied up the place with an amazing mural. Some close ups of it are definitely in order!

My favorite part of the mural is the honey dripping from the roof!

A trip to the farmers' market is such a great way to start your Saturday. As you enter the building you are welcomed by the aromas of fresh brewed coffee from Railway Coffee and sugary cinnamon rolls from Aunt Sandi's Kitchen. Vibrant colors and interesting textures beckon to you from baskets of vegetables, vases of flowers, and cheerily decorated booths. The smiling faces of friends and vendors greet you with the warm friendship small towns are known for, especially Ruston! 

Everyone has their own way of "doing" the market, but here is mine. I like to do a little visiting first. Three of our Master Gardeners, Jean McWeeney, Kit Hanley, and Cheryl Maxwell, are market volunteers, and it is always fun to see them. Then I slowly make my way around the vendors, scoping out all the goodies that are being offered at the market that day.

 Next I head out back to Tacos de Guero for a breakfast burrito and a listen to the musical talent of the morning. 

After caloric fortification, it is time to decide on my purchases. I can't walk by Joywalk Daylily Farm and Produce without buying one of their beautiful day lilies. They have a million varieties and are so knowledgeable about them. Half of the day lilies in my yard come from them. 

 A stop at Jerrell's Specialty Foods and Catering or Rosemary's Kitchen can set you up for the coming week's menus - chicken salad, frozen casseroles or soup. Pair that with salad green's from Renner Gardens, vegetables from Mack's Tomatoes and Produce, and something sweet from Good's Fudge or Anna Yak's Pies and you are done cooking for the week!! Ha!

Next I review my upcoming gift-giving occasions because the market offers so many unique gifts. I bought my mom's birthday gift from Jennings Apiaries. It is a necklace containing a piece of honeycomb, and for a lady called Honey it is perfect!!

Jennings Apiaries (necklaces hanging in the middle)

Gene's Woodworks
 Nomad Naturals, Belle vie Belle Maison, and Kreative Kreations are just a few of the gift vendors.

If James goes with me tomorrow, he'll be sipping on a soda from Old Bottle Brewery and munching on a snack from Juju's Kettle Corn while perusing his grilling choices from Wildthang Specialty Meats.

There are so many more vendors offering so many more treats than I can list. If you get on their email list you will get a weekly notice about happenings at the market.  

But here's the best part!!! Tomorrow is the Grand Opening of the 2016 market. There's no telling what they have in store for us! We certainly don't want to miss it!

Love ya'll, 

While the spirit of neighborliness was important on the frontier because neighbors were so few, it is even more important now because our neighbors are so many. 
~Lady Bird Johnson

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Such Great Friends!!

My sweet friends are so great!

When Olive was born so many of them were kind enough to remember our family at this special time by sending gifts. Katherine said, "Mom your friends are so great!", and it's true!!

Some of  them used their talents to make handmade gifts...

Kathy's bibs....

and her quilt.

Andrea's birth sampler

Sue's nursing cover

Jackie's crocheted sweater
 Receiving these precious handmade items made me wonder if  I could come up with a baby gift for a  boy or girl that I could make when my friends have grandbabies. I can crochet but only the VERY basic of projects. I can sew but nothing worthy of gift giving. I can garden but can't imagine giving a vegetable as a gift.

(Although I did work in Katherine and Collin's garden the week I stayed with them for Olive's birth. Katherine recently sent me this picture of Olive with a cucumber planted that week. I tried picturing the cucumber with a pink or blue bow on it and placed in a gift bag, but decided to return to the drawing board.)

Of course I turned to Pinterest where I found several great ideas for easy painting projects for new babies. Here's my first effort done for Jackie's grandson, Gabriel. It was lots of fun! Here are the simple instructions in case you want to try.

Start with a 18 x 24 inch canvas painted pale blue with ordinary craft acrylics.
It took three coats.

Now use a darker blue paint mixed with glazing medium for  glossy, semitransparent stripes.

This is an awesome product.

Now sketch a whale pattern to cut out of paper and traced onto the canvas.
You can always find an image online.

I used grey paint mixed with a heavy gel medium just for a wet, raised look on the whale.
Different textures make things interesting.

I painted the whale with a brush first, then used pallet knives to spread the thick mixture. This took about 18 hours to dry completely.  Then I added white highlights with glossy paint.

Wording, outlines, and done!!
Happy new grandson, Jackie!!!

Love ya'll,

A loyal friend laughs at your jokes when they’re not so good, and sympathizes with your problems when they’re not so bad.
 ~Arnold H. Glasgow

Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art.... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.
 ~C.S. Lewis

Nothing but heaven itself is better than a friend who is really a friend. 