Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Turkey Creek Daylilies

Each spring, James and I anxiously await the Daylily Show. It begins in May and lasts until the Fourth of July. Each morning we ooh and aah over the newest bloom. 

Although I posted pictures last year, I can't stop myself from sharing again!

We have gotten many of our daylilies from Joywalk Daylily Farm here in Ruston. They bring lilies to the Ruston Farmers Market most Saturdays. I also select new lilies at the Mobile Flower Show each year at the Abundant Daylilies booth. But some of my favorite lilies are the ones James brings home. He keeps an eye out for the sales at Fred's and Walmart. When the daylilies-in-a-bag hit the $1 sale mark, he starts hauling them home. 

When I first opened one of these sale bags, I was astonished at how pitiful these rhizomes looked- brown, scraggly, freakish creatures!!  Without a scrap of hope that they would amount to anything, I planted them just for Jim. Today they are some of my favorites! They are starting out as almost nothing, so it takes them longer to become the big, healthy clump of your other lilies, but have patience! They're worth it! 

Love ya'll,

          Consider the lilies of the field how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
Matthew 6: 28-29

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ooh, la la! They are beautiful!