Friday, March 20, 2015

The Egg and I: Building the Coop (Day Five)

Today was the last day of our coop building project. The coop itself was finished, so today was all about the run.  The dimensions of the run are 4' x 10' x 4'.
We framed it out and then added the hardware cloth.  This picture gives a good view of the ramp into the coop.

Next, the shingles were added.
Then we had a finished product - one fun, funky chicken coop!! 
 But the best part is that it isn't just a chicken coop..... It's a chicken tractor - easily movable to anywhere in the yard!!!  I can move the chickens to shady areas in the hot part of the summer, and out into sunny areas of the yard during the cold days of winter. 

But the most important thing is that none of this would have been possible without my wonderful parents.  About a month ago, I sketched a coop out and gave it to my dad with a list of important components I wanted to include.  Dad took that little drawing and brought it to fruition, and it turned out exactly like I had imagined.  Mom took all my little reclaimed lumber and used it in such a way that the coop has that "instant vintage" feel that I was hoping for. 
Thanks so much Honey and Tom!!! 
Now all I have left to do is paint it.
Love ya'll,
 "A chicken in every pot" - 1928 Republican Party campaign slogan
 " Don't have a pot to put it in" - 1928 Democratic Party response slogan


Unknown said...

That chicken coop is tres cute! It looks like a fantastic design.

Ruth said...

Shelli I just love your chicken coop, so high tech. I usually read your blog on my email on my phone, well today I decided to look on the blog on my computer. WOW I didn't know there were videos. I've been missing a lot and didn't even know it. From now on I'll always go back and look at your blog even if I read your post thru email.

Hope we will get to see y'all Easter weekend. Ruth

sheenq said...

Thanks, Dolly! We really had fun building it. Now if I can get my chicks to grow up into fine, fat laying hens!!

sheenq said...

Thanks so much for reading the blog, Ruth!! I don't think we'll make it for Easter, we are in full wedding prep mode and trying to get everything ready for the big weekend. We'll miss ya'll!