Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Fred and Ethel, the garden friendly dogs, love their beds!!
 From the time we brought them home.....
 and still today.....
they are passionate about a good nap in a soft bed.
They have three beds: one in their crate out in the shed where they sleep at night, one in the kitchen, and one on the back porch.
But sometimes not even a beloved bed can withstand the throes of boredom during cold, rainy days.
This is bed stuffing!! The remains of the bed itself are at the foot of the door. for some reason, their porch bed is the only bed they destroy.

The Kong is a brand of dog bed made to withstand ripping, tearing, bored-out-of-their-mind dog fits!!
 It may not be as soft and fluffy as other beds, but it has withstood the test of time, paws, and teeth. We bought ours at PetSmart.
Well, here's hoping your dogs are surviving the last cold, rainy remnants of winter....
Love ya'll, Shelli
The most affectionate creature in the world is a wet dog.
 ~Ambrose Bierce 

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