Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Drug Detector

OK, it's time for another OBC school story and this is one of my favorites!

Remember changing classes in junior high and high school? The bell rings and doors bust open causing previously quiet, empty hallways to erupt with student's voices laughing and teasing as they  flood the space into a sea of flowing kids.

We teachers always stood outside the doors to our classrooms to keep an eye on the students as they changed classes.  Every now and then a fight would break out and we were there to break it up, but most of the time we just visited with each other until class started again.

There are so many components that make up a good job that you love. For me it was, of course, the students, then supportive administration, but most of all fun people to work with.  For several years I taught next door to a coach/science teacher who was one of the funniest people I know.  As we stood in the hall between classes he was always telling jokes or relating funny stories about his students. He was just so quick witted that he kept us in hysterics all the time!

Well one day, we opened our doors to find the I.T. guys from the school board installing a modem on the ceiling so we could go wireless.  The modem was round and reminded me of a large Frisbee.  When it was operational, it had yellow and green blinking lights and then looked like a miniature spaceship attached right in the middle of the ceiling in the hallway outside our doors.

During the next class change, Coach Thomas and I were standing there looking at and talking about the new modem, when a student halfway down the hall from us called out, "Coach, what's that new thing up on the ceiling?"  Without missing a beat, Coach replied, "Drug detector!"

Suddenly, that flowing hallway full of students parted like the Red Sea!  Not one child dared pass under the new "drug detector"!  Instead they nonchalantly squished up against the walls as they passed, still talking to their friends but covertly cutting their eyes up to the ceiling.......

I have never laughed so hard in all my life!! Of course the rumor passed through the student body like wildfire, providing us teachers with days of entertainment.  Oh my goodness, it was epic!!

                                                                       Love ya'll, Shelli

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