Monday, January 19, 2015

Dog Treats

I've been baking homemade treats for Fred and Ethel.

 There I've said it! 

When my sister, Jamie, heard this, her exact words were, "You're what?!!?!! I don't even know who you are anymore and I am not sure we can even be friends!!!"

My Dad, son of Dovie Wiggins who I talked about in an earlier post, probably thinks I've lost my mind too.  The only thing Grandma Wig would have baked for a dog is a "bitter pill" and if you don't know what that is then you need to see the play "Greater Tuna".

The fact that I am baking dog treats has more to do with being retired than being a "rabid" pet owner.  (Ha!)  The very best thing about being retired is that your pace of life slows down and you have time to do stuff like bake dog treats.

Anyway, for my readers who have dogs and want to give this a try no matter what their family members say about them, here is the recipe:

Homemade Dog Treats
2 jars baby food (Fred and Ethel especially like banana)
1 cup old fashioned oats
1 cup flour
Stir all ingredients into a dough.  Drop in 1 inch mounds onto greased cookie sheet.  Use finger to make a depression into each mound. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes.
Fill each depression with peanut butter or cheese.
** When I use fruit flavored baby food, I fill the depression with peanut butter.  When I use meat flavored baby food, I fill the depression with cheese.  Gourmet!!
Love ya'll,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What kind of dogs did you get? I can see that one is a black lab, but I can't figure out what the other one is! :-) Both are entirely too cute!