Wednesday, October 15, 2014


James brought home some pumpkins this week from over in the delta.

 They got me to thinking about this beautiful time of year: cold fronts passing through.... trees swaying in north winds and slowly revealing their fall colors....front doors being adorned with harvest dé trucks parked along side highways waiting for hunters in the woods....fall festivals....chili....Halloween....fall gardening...

But for some reason this year, I was struck with the memory of the fall before my daughter left for her two year service in the Peace Corps and the pumpkins we made together before she left. She was going to Africa and so we combined Peace Corps and Halloween by painting African tribal faces on the pumpkins and used fall foliage as their head dresses.

This is Katherine right after she cut off her long hair in preparation for living in a village with no running water.

I remember how fearful I was of her being so far away for so long.  But it was a wonderful experience and everything turned out so well. Sometimes we fear things that were blessings all along.
 This year's pumpkins bring a smile of gratefulness to my soul.
Love ya'll, Shelli

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