Thursday, October 1, 2015

Our Stuff

Here at Turkey Creek Garden, Fred and me
Hang around all day and do as we please.

We have in the yard our best, special spot
Where we drag up our favorite things, a lot!

Logs from the burn pile that mom thinks we can't reach
Plastic cups from the table that are so easy to sneak.

Bones that they give us to chew for the day
Hoping we won't dig up 
the sprinkler system 
while they're away.

Bubble wrap that's just so easy to steal
When the door to dad's workshop does not seal.

Our favorite blue carpet from old car remodels
So perfect for tugging, the mind it will boggle!

These treasures we keep in one part of the yard
Until mama gets mad, her eyes squinted up hard.

Then we know it is time to drop out of sight
'Cause mom's patience with us has taken flight!

She'll put on her flip flops, stalk out in the yard
Mumbling under her breath and working so hard.

The pooper scooper she'll use to rake it all up
Drop it in the trash can with a huff and a puff.

All our play things removed from our place
Everything gone, nothing left, not even a trace!

But when she is done and the yard is all clean
We'll come tails a'wagging, eyes full of love's gleam.

We'll sit when she tells us, then shake her hand,
Fetch sticks and balls at her every command.

We'll look up at her with our sweet puppy eyes
All the while our true intent in disguise...

Because when she goes back in the house for the night
We'll drag our stuff back out and soon set things right!!!

Love ya'll, 

Sometimes clean feels empty. A bit of clutter and dirt gladdens the heart and affirms a life in progress.

 ~Terri Guillemets

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