Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Battle Rages On!! or I Am The Alpha Dog!!


The Garden Friendly Dogs had a surprise waiting for me when I returned from town recently......

Yep, a sidewalk covered with dirt;
dirt that came from big holes they were digging under the azaleas between the garage and the house.  Huh......

Well, I am the Alpha Dog and determined to win this battle of wills!!! 
So I gathered my weapons....

and went to work filling holes and covering all the area under bushes with chicken wire to deter their digging habit.
Next, I covered the chicken wire with pine straw and we are back to normal.

That was two weeks ago, and although they have been scratching around in the pine straw, no digging has occurred.
I don't know what it is about azaleas and the Garden Friendly Dogs.  They played with this bush so much that I had to take it into protective custody.
 So take that, Fred and Ethel!!
The Alpha Dog is still in control!!
                                                                                                                         Love ya'll,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like Fred and Ethel are keeping you on your toes! They have grown a lot, too :-) Must be all that digging...I mean exercising :-)