Monday, December 15, 2014

Fall Plant Sale

The Master Gardeners of North Central Louisiana held their annual Fall Plant Sale recently at the Ruston Farmer's Market.  For the sale members potted, rooted, sprouted, started, and divided plants from their own yards to share with others.  These sales are a great way to buy some of the more unusual plants not always offered at the "big box stores".  Another bonus of a Master Gardener plant sale is that experienced gardeners are on hand to give you planting and care tips about your purchases. The prices were a bonus also!!!  They started at $1.00 and the highest priced plants were only $4.00.

The only down side of this year's sale was the weather.  Remember those really cold days we had in November?  Right, when it got down into the 20s.  Well that was the weekend of the plant sale.  We all just bundled up like we were in the Iditarod and plunged ahead.  However, one of our members proved that you can still look stylish while freezing your bum off!

When I complimented Sheryl on her dedication to style even in subfreezing temperatures, she smiled and let me in on a secret....underneath her outfit, she still had on her PJs!

While we are talking about the Ruston Farmer's Market, hats off to those vendors that brave the temperatures every weekend, summer or winter, to bring us all the fresh veggies and baked goods we have become addicted to, such as: 

Jarrell's specialty Foods and Catering....Yummm, chicken salad and morning glory muffins
and Renner Gardens with her beautiful produce and flowers.
 Check out all the vendors at
Love ya'll, Shelli
Garden writing is often very tame, a real waste when you think how opinionated, inquisitive, irreverent and lascivious gardeners themselves tend to be. Nobody talks much about the muscular limbs, dark, swollen buds, strip-tease trees and unholy beauty that have made us all slaves of the Goddess Flora.
~Ketzel Levine's

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