Wednesday, November 12, 2014


It is reallllly cold up here in North Louisiana this week, unusually cold for November!!!  This is way more like January weather and it is a little discombobulating.  Even some of my garden plants are confused.  I kid you not, this picture was taken this morning!! I have no idea why this one day lily is blooming when none of the others around it felt so moved, but, hey, to each his own.

Other things seem more in keeping with the season.  My neighbor grows several varieties of  persimmon trees and they are "behaving" correctly for this time of year.  It is a fall tradition to round the corner and find that he has left us a sack of them on the back porch.
I'll make him some persimmon bread today. (I think he likes my persimmon bread because being a Methodist, I can use whiskey in the recipe, whereas being a Baptist, he can't.)
I've been doing fall gardening lessons with the Garden Girls at Ruston Junior High.  They are nineteen fun seventh and eighth graders who take a mini gardening class during their ib4e elective period.  My good friend, Susan, is their teacher and I'm trying to help her out.  Our first lesson was "What Do You Do with That Pumpkin After Halloween?"  We roasted seeds and sampled pumpkin bread.  Yesterday's lesson was "You'll Get Out You Winter Coat, But What Happens To Plants In Cold Weather?"  We completed a Venn Diagram and then made kale chips.
Last weekend we enjoyed a fun, fall family event - my niece's confirmation into the Methodist Church.

Well, I hope you enjoy this unusual cold spell....maybe make a big pot of gumbo, put the electric blankets on the beds, and rev up the fireplace for the first time this year.

                                                                      Stay warm,  Shelli

Besides the Autumn poets sing
A few prosaic days
A little this side of the snow
And that side of the Haze...
Grant me, Oh Lord, a sunny mind—
Thy windy will to bear!
~Emily Dickinson
[T]here is a harmony
In autumn, and a luster in its sky...
~Percy Bysshe Shelley

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