Sunday, September 6, 2015

Sunday Schoolism #19: Abundant Life

God's promise of an abundant life is not a life where we have more material goods than others or a longer life than others.  It is living in a way that what we have is enough.  Perhaps our enough is what we discover in community when we are fighting for the rights and dignity of ourselves and others.  Perhaps our enough is the realization that we have time and resources and talents to share with those who need what we have.  Perhaps our enough is learning to forgive ourselves for the past and to have the courage to unchain ourselves from those who cannot forgive us.

The assurance of God's love for us and for all people is enough and more than enough!  With the blessings we receive from living a life in obedience to the demands of God's justice, we are freed from the bottomless desire for more that threatens to enslave us all at one time or another, this bottomless desire that can spur us to act unjustly.

                                                                                                   Sarah McGivern
                                                                                                    Adult Bible Studies
                                                                                                    Uniform Series                                                                                                         

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