Monday, July 13, 2015

Pooping Machines!!!

Time for a chick update; those sweet little pooping machines!!!

The brooder box is set up in the dining room which I have to say makes my husband, James fairly uneasy.

I've covered the bottom of the brooder with shelf liner - the kind that has a waffle pattern.  I read that baby chicks need a slip proof surface for walking so that they don't develop spraddle leg.   The shelf liner is very easy to wash, and reuse. There is a layer of paper towels underneath. The temperature is 95 degrees and will be decreased by 5 degrees each week.  Electrolytes and probiotics have been added to their water. Lord, I hope I have done everything I am supposed to do!!!

They are so sweet!!!!  Only a couple of pasty butt issues.

It took a little while to get used to how the chicks look when they fall asleep.  They suddenly stop running around, start to sway gently back and forth, and then plop down into a round glob of chickness.

One website I visited said to add marbles to their water so they don't drown in it.  Well, that seemed a little far fetched, but I did it and was glad I did.  One of the chicks literally fell asleep with his head propped on a marble!!

They enjoy pecking at the side of the cardboard box, so I drew them a little garden to peck at.  I should have also drawn bugs to get them started early on hunting down all the harmful insects out in the real garden!!

Love ya'll,


Jamie said...

I love their "garden!" You must be the best chick mama ever! Can't wait to come meet them!

Unknown said...

These are sooo cute! What kind of chicks did you get?

sheenq said...

Thanks, Mamie!! Can't wait til ya'll come see them!

sheenq said...

Hey, Dolly!!! We have two Barred Rock, two Buff Orpington, two Golden Laced Wyandotte, and two Light Brahma. Today they go outside for the first time!