Monday, October 31, 2016

What Happened to October?!!

Wow!  I last posted here on Growing Branches October 2nd and I woke up this morning and it is Halloween........  What happened?!! Where did the month go?

My friend, Kathy, says that October, with its promise of cooler weather, gets everybody motivated again, and that's why every group you belong to has some event planned for that month. Add on homecomings, football games, and fall festivals and ,well, you can see what happens. But isn't it all fun; full of friends and family. I wouldn't change a thing!

We started this busy time with a quick trip to Dallas for Ella's homecoming football game. It was our first chance to see her in action as a Talennette for Allen High School.

Ella is such an awesome girl and we were bursting with pride!! The entire game experience was such fun because if you went to school at Many High, this is NOT what your Friday nights looked like...

...but what fun to see how they do it in the city!! It was homecoming and as the band marched into the stadium, I was able to catch a picture of this student with her homecoming mum pinned to her uniform.

Now whether homecoming mums have just gotten bigger in the 40 years since I graduated or if this is a classic case of "everything's bigger in Texas" I don't know, but it was impressive to say the least!! Jamie says that the Texas homecoming mum has a life of its own so you may want to peruse the web for more on this subject because let me assure you, this mum isn't the biggest or most outlandish!

Later that weekend we enjoyed dinner with our sweet nephew, Thomas, who is a student at TCU in Fort Worth.

When we got home, I immediately started packing for James and me to leave on our fall trip to the Historic Triangle. Between this trip, the Master Gardener Fall Plant Sale, CCA's Soup for the Soul, two new Bible studies, and, of course, a trip to NOLA to be with Olive, it is no wonder that October passed in a blur.

I will love sharing some of those things with you, but am plagued by a little niggle in the back of my mind that something is not right. We'll talk about that too!

Love ya'll,

From the latter weeks of October to Christmas-eve... is the period during which happiness is in season, which, in my judgment, enters the room with the tea-tray...
~Thomas De Quincey (1785–1859)

Well, it's a marvelous night for a moondance
With the stars up above in your eyes
A fantabulous night to make romance
'Neath the cover of October skies
And all the leaves on the trees are falling
To the sound of the breezes that blow
And I'm trying to please to the calling
Of your heartstrings that play soft and low...
~Van Morrison, "Moondance," recorded 1969

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